Carteret County Felony Crime Attorneys
North Carolina Felony Laws
As opposed to misdemeanor convictions, felony convictions usually have far severer penalties, ranging from fines to jail time. While misdemeanor convictions often come with jail time that is less than 1 year (or no jail time at all), felony convictions often result in more than 1 year of jail time.
A felony is a serious charge that can lead to heavy consequences if the defendant is convicted - in North Carolina, felony convictions can result from a variety of charges, including:
- murder;
- rape;
- child molestation;
- conspiracy to commit murder;
- aggravated assault;
- involuntary manslaughter;
- human trafficking;
- robbery;
- intimidating a witness;
- forgery;
- making terror threats.
If you’ve been charged with a felony, it is imperative that you retain legal representation right away. Our Carteret County felony crimes lawyers at Cummings & Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC can help you to understand your rights, your legal options, and how to navigate upcoming settings in court. We may be able to have the charge dropped, for instance, or at least reduced, if the circumstances allow it.
Carteret County Felony Crimes Guide
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Felony Classes and Sentencing Rules

North Carolina has a range of felony levels for certain crimes that outline the incarceration penalties - in general, according to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1340.17 (2019), the prison sentences depending on the felony level are:
- Class A felony – death or life with or without parole
- Class B1 felony – 144 months to life without parole
- Class B2 felony – 94-393 months
- Class C felony – 44-182 months
- Class D felony – 38-160 months
- Class E felony – 15-63 months
- Class F felony – 10-41 months
- Class G felony – 8-31 months
- Class H felony – 4-25 months
- Class I felony – 3-12 months
Can a Felony Be Expunged?

Conviction does not have to be the final reality. As of December 1, 2017, first offenders convicted of a felony while under the age of 18 may petition for expungement of their criminal record. Such an eligible candidate must also show a clean criminal history since their conviction. Note that in certain cases, traffic violations may not hinder an individual’s eligibility for expungement.
A felony conviction is only eligible for expungement after 4 years from the date of the conviction or 4 years after the date of a served sentence. Contact our legal team to learn more about whether you are eligible to expunge your felony.
A Unique Defense Team Comprising a Former Prosecutor, Board-Certified Paralegals, and an Investigative Agent
While all criminal charges should be taken seriously, it is important to note that felony charges are much more severe than misdemeanors. Felony charges can relate to everything from manslaughter to domestic violence to drug crimes. While differing in type, however, felony charges all have one thing in common – unrelenting, life-altering penalties. Felonies are not something that can be dealt with in a month and then forgotten about.
As a result, when facing a felony charge, you should consult an experienced Carteret County felony attorney you can trust to provide you with high-quality and experienced representation when it matters most. At Cummings and Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, we know the issues surrounding felony crimes and are firmly devoted to providing our clients with world class representation. We are a unique team led by a former prosecutor and supported by three NC board-certified paralegals and a special investigative agent with the state who can provide relevant legal and medical counsel.

Carteret County Felony Crimes Lawyer
Due to the long-lasting impact of a felony conviction, you do not have a moment to spare to take legal action in your defense. With local roots in Carteret County, our firm is proud to offer residents and visitors with heavyweight legal support. We focus exclusively on criminal defense and are proud to be in court on a daily basis protecting your rights. This gives us knowledge and experience that is not isolated to learning, but rather has been hard-earned by putting in the hours necessary. We know the felony laws and the courts where we will be trying your case. You can trust that we will draw upon these vast resources to help you protect your best interests to the best of our abilities. Reach out to a Carteret County criminal defense lawyer today!